Your Partner for Personal Growth & Organizational Transformation

As a personal coach, I guide you towards a fulfilling life, relationship and career. As an organizational coach and change manager, I guide the organization and its employees to become resilient and future-proof. 

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“It was extremely valuable. Janet listens and asks the right questions at the right times. Thanks to her coaching, I have become a stronger, more balanced and happier person.” -D.



Through change to organizational innovation

In an era in which organizations must constantly keep up with innovations, as a change manager and organizational coach I offer expertise to shape and guide successful change processes.

I bridge the gap between advice and coaching. Using various tools, I focus on developing self-management, learning capacity and effective collaboration at all levels within your organization. With attention to both the individual employee and the team and organization as a whole.


Shape your personal and professional future

As a coach, I guide you in shaping your personal life and career, focusing on your issues and goals. Whether you are looking for your next career step, are struggling with a lack of energy, want change in your life, are stuck in work or relationships, or have another type of challenge. 

With a focus on the here and now, and your dreams for the future, we use your past as a springboard to opportunities and possibilities. I guide you so that you can walk your path with confidence.



What my customers say about me

About me


Dedicated and results-oriented with an eye for people

Mijn carrière begon bij een start-up in de telecomsector in Den Haag, waar ik mijn liefde voor organisatieontwikkeling en teamwork ontdekte – eerst als project-/programmamanager en later als teammanager. Na een decennium van leiderschap in snel veranderende, internationale omgevingen, werd mijn verlangen naar persoonlijke groei en ontwikkeling aangewakkerd, wat leidde tot mijn opleiding tot LifeCoach en uiteindelijk de oprichting van Arntz, Advies & Coaching.

Hier combineer ik mijn ervaring uit het bedrijfsleven met coachingsvaardigheden om zowel individuen als organisaties te helpen om hun doelen te bereiken. Ook ben ik gecertificeerd Introdrives© drijfverencoach, wat ik bij zowel persoonlijke als organisationele trajecten inzet.

Ready for growth in your life or organization?