


Your bridge to personal and professional growth

As a coach, I guide you in shaping part of your life, for example your career or work-life balance. To give you an idea of the types of questions you can contact me with:

As a coach I mainly work with what is now and the wishes for the future. Of course you are today because of who and what shaped you in the past. Taking that as a starting point, I would like to look at the possibilities and opportunities that are available to you now. Looking back is important as this can be a springboard to being happy in the here and now.

Using various techniques you gain insight into your talents, motivations and soul desires. And you take that knowledge with you to give direction to your own life. As certified Introdrives© As a driving force coach, I can use a driving force scan to gain insight and accelerate the desired change.


Recognize your way forward and embark on a tailor-made adventure

As a coach, I help you clarify what you want to change and help you realize the change yourself. In my role as a coach, I ask questions and use techniques so that you gain clarity about what you can do to bring about change.  

As a coach I increase your self-insight and self-knowledge, which strengthens your self-image. This gives you more self-confidence and allows you to provide more guidance.  

Every coaching process starts from the request for help and from there the determination of your goal. The goal can touch all aspects of (work) life. So it can be both private and business. Below some examples:

The intake or introductory meeting is without obligation and lasts approximately half an hour and can be face-to-face or digital.




A investment in yourself that suits you

Every person is different and deserves a specific, targeted approach. My approach is therefore that every coaching process is tailor-made. An intake or introductory meeting therefore takes place prior to each process. This forms the basis for our further cooperation. My starting point is that there is a mutual feeling that the set goal can be achieved together based on mutual trust.

An action plan follows from the intake interview in which the request for help is central. This provides immediate insight into what we are going to work on, which sub-activities will result from this and what investment is involved. After agreement, a confirmation will follow, in which our agreements are recorded.

Individual coaching appointments can also be scheduled.


What my customers say about me

Ready for growth in your life?